Magic Potion – #68

I may never know if it was an altitude thing or a lack of sleep thing that brought on my latest exacerbation but it is here nonetheless. I talked with the PA at my neurologist today. She recommended steroids. I voiced my concerns and she suggested trying a smaller dose. Instead of three consecutive days, I will only take one dose. It seems like a fair compromise. I felt so bad today that I am open to giving it a try. I do wonder if this is something I could sleep off. If I had the time, I would spend the next two days in bed and see if it helps speed recovery. If anyone has slept off symptoms please let me know.

If the steroids work, I should be on the mend and feeling well in a couple of weeks. I see Dr. Foley the beginning of April so it will be a good time to follow up.

When I picked Bailey up from school yesterday, I told her about my dizziness and ironically, she wrote a paper related to MS that afternoon. Her project was to write about a magic potion. She had to list the ingredients and purpose. Here it is……

My Own Potion
The thing I would try to make a potion for is to cure Multiple Sclerosis. My potion would not have things made by man. I want something that goes with nature.

Cure for MS
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Aloe
3 Leaves of Mint (make it tasty)
1 Teaspoon of mold
1 1/4 Cups of corn
3 Daisies
1 Leaf of cilantro and rosemary
3 Tablespoons of tree sap

Take this once a month for three months. This is for all types of MS.

3 responses to “Magic Potion – #68

  1. i hope the steroids help. i think you should make the time to get the rest. think of all you go through to try to be healthy – meditation, steroids, avonex, supplements… rest is 100% natural and easy and one of the most effective things you can do. if you don’t have time to rest, you even more so don’t have time NOT to rest.

    i definitely think i made my last exacerbation worse by not resting, and helped it when i finally did take it easy. i think it’s worth it so you can be better by the time you are supposed to go to mexico.

    i don’t usually tell people what to do in terms of their health, but i think resting when you are having an exacerbation is really a no-brainer.

    feel better soon!

  2. Hi Courtney. Sorry to hear about your exacerbation. Just wanted to say that I have been doing the single dose of IV Solu-medrol thing myself, and it’s been working like a bomb. I’ve actually been getting the same effect that I was getting from the full five day course. (I take 1 gram these days, single dose). I can really recommend it.

  3. I love Bailey.

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